Friday, November 23, 2012

Last post, November 27 - The Australian (blog)

STEPHEN Jones is right (Letters, 23/11).

The government's latest idea of granting bridging visas to foreigners and turning them loose in the community potentially places every citizen at risk. Would the government be able to track and locate these people?

Judith Fisher, South Geelong, Vic

It's time for Kevin Rudd to step forward and acknowledge that his changes to border protection were responsible for the rise in people-smuggling.

Mick Parry, Shelley, WA

Now that Julia Gillard has tried the Howard solution to the asylum-seeker problem, and it appears to have failed, it's only fair that Tony Abbott now gives the Malaysia solution a try.

Henry Herzog, St Kilda, Vic

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How many human rights commissioners does it take to change a light bulb in the ACT? Apparently, the answer is three -- if they can tear themselves away from their tapestry.

Chris Watson, Carlton River, Tas

I see Julia Gillard claims the AWU scandal is just a smear campaign. She would know -- she has recently orchestrated one against Tony Abbott. By the way, the latest odds don't look too good for Gillard.

Mal Clarke, Morphett Vale, SA

Following the latest disclosures relating to the former AWU slush fund, I'm sure that Craig Thomson will soon be expressing his full confidence in the Prime Minister.

David Meredith, Singleton, NSW

All we need now is for Bill Shorten to announce that he is loyal to Julia Gillard and has no intention of challenging her for the leadership.

C. A. White, Townsville, Qld

I am happy for Newspoll to include Bill Shorten in the list of preferred prime ministers, Paul Tooker, as long as John Howard is also listed (Letters, 23/11). Winston Churchill was three years older than Howard is now when he was recalled to lead Britain in 1951.

Stan Klan, Toowoomba, Qld

Why isn't the drover's dog included in Newspoll for the preferred prime minister? It would win by a mile.

Michael Stanbridge, Bonnet Bay, NSW

On the eve of federal parliament's last sitting week before Christmas, rumour has it that the casting of its nativity play has stalled for want of three wise men.

M. F. Horton, Adelaide, SA

I don't know why we need more water for the Murray-Darling. According to a map in The Australian (23/11), the river has already washed Deniliquin into Victoria.

Paul Wright, Ashbury, NSW

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