Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Grantham healing two years after floods - Brisbane Times

Even if all hope seems lost, Tasmanian bushfire victims need to remain positive and fight on, Lockyer Valley Mayor Steve Jones says.

Two years to the day after 12 people died when floods ripped through his community, Mr Jones says his thoughts are with those who are now being devastated by bushfires in Australia's southeast.

Mr Jones says it was his community's attitude that got them through Queensland's devastating floods in 2011 and it would be the same for people in Tasmania.

"No matter how difficult you must remain positive because whilst you're positive, you can help those around you," he said.

"The minute you drop the bundle, you can help no-one including yourself."

Mr Jones said Tasmanians donated about $2 million to flood relief efforts in 2011 and it was now a chance for his community to return the favour to them.

He said there would be no formal memorials to mark the fateful day two years ago when a wall of water crashed through Grantham and surrounding communities with almost no warning.

The mayor said his community was healing and were trying to move on.

But, of course, they would never forget.

Mr Jones said each town in the region would remember the floods in their own way, even if it was just a few families coming together to support each other.

"I think for a lot of us, it's pretty daunting what happened to us on that day and we'll certainly be thinking back over the difficulties people faced and the tragic circumstances," he said.

However, Mr Jones said he was proud of how his community had bounced back from the tragedy.

He said while some people were still having issues with builders, most areas, including the hardest hit town of Grantham, were getting on with things.

"What's happened here has been a magnificent thing," he said.

"The way people have handled it has been outstanding and I think they should be congratulated."


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