Unions have concerns with the size of restructured police regions in Queensland's central and southern areas.
Queensland Police Commissioner Ian Stewart yesterday confirmed a restructure of the service, with up to 110 commissioned officers and around 200 other staff to be offered redundancies.
The state's eight police regions will be cut to five and districts reduced from 31 to 15.
The new Southern Region will extend north to include Winton, west to the Northern Territory border, south to the New South Wales border and as far east as Toowoomba.
The six police districts, Charleville, Roma, Dalby, Warwick, Toowoomba and Ipswich, will merge into two.
The Maroochydore regional office will not exist after June and will become part of a central police region that includes Mackay, Rockhampton, Bundaberg and the Sunshine Coast.
The Cairns regional office will become part of a northern police region that includes Townsville and Mount Isa.
The new structure will be in place by July 1.
'Huge' regions
Queensland Police Union (QPU) spokesman Denis Sycz says the new regions are huge and is not sure if it will work.
"I've got concerns about the whole thing because there's no detail in how they're going to implement these changes," he said.
"We don't want to see service delivery suffer, we don't' want to see our people being moved without any consultation.
"There's a whole lot of concerns that we are going to be in negotiations with the service about and hopefully they'll listen to us and take those concerns on board."
Maranoa Mayor Robert Loughnan, in the state's south-west, says the scale of the restructure is concerning.
Councillor Loughnan says he wants more information about how it will be managed.
"Certainly be trying to talk to the Commissioner at some point about this and just seeing if there is another way," he said.
"This police district then would take in almost from the Sunshine Coast, right around south-west Queensland and all the way up to almost Mount Isa.
"It just seems an awfully large area to try to combine into one police district and I've got real concerns about that."
Councillor Loughnan says he is worried about the logistics involved in the restructure.
"Any sort of restructure that combines almost six police entire police districts into one is filled with danger, particularly in such a large area," he said.
"The geography of south-west Queensland in particular will make this a pretty difficult thing to achieve and I just need to know how it's going to be managed before I can accept it outright."
Meanwhile, Boulia Mayor Rick Britton says he is happy with the proposed police restructure, as long as it delivers on its promise of better frontline services.
Boulia is currently in the Mount Isa district, but in July it will become part of the Southern Region, with its headquarters in Toowoomba.
Councillor Britton says he is not concerned about the size or location of the headquarters, as long as the change does not affect local officers' abilities to continue their work.
"As long as it's not change for the sake of it," he said.
"If it's going to deliver a better service and deliver confidence to the police that are delivering the service on the ground, I think that really needs to be worked at.
"Those people need to be represented and respected a fair bit more than what they get now."
North Queensland
Together union secretary Alex Scott says the police service restructure shows the State Government is out of touch with the needs of regional Queensland.
Mr Scott is travelling to Cairns in the far north to meet with union members in the area today.
He says the restructure will compromise safety in the region.
"We think that's a disastrous step for the good governance of Queensland and providing a safe and proper community in far north Queensland," he said.
"This Government continues to act as though it's governing for the Brisbane City Council rather than the whole state.
"They fail to understand that it's vital that we have real decision-makers in Cairns representing the interests of the Cairns community."
Regional unemployment
Mr Scott the union is also concerned the restructure will drive up unemployment in regional Queensland.
"This Government last year committed that there wouldn't be job losses in regional Queensland - they committed that the job losses would occur last year," he said.
"What we know is both of those things are completely untrue.
"The Government needs to understand that if it keeps on cutting public service jobs it'll continue to drive up unemployment.
"We've already seen the Queensland economy starting to nosedive as a result of the slash and burn approach taken by this Government."
Meanwhile, Opposition police spokesman Bill Byrne has questioned why Police Minister Jack Dempsey and Cabinet do not appear to be involved in decisions on the restructure.
"We saw the Police Commissioner standing by himself, while the Minister apparently remains on leave, making quite substantial statements about what was going on with the structure of Queensland Police Service," he said.
"I would have thought that the reduction in the number of regions would certainly be a matter that should have been briefed to the Minister and if not the Cabinet."
The new structure will be in place by July 1.
Topics: police, community-development, public-sector, local-government, activism-and-lobbying, regional, charleville-4470, boulia-4829, dalby-4405, ipswich-4305, warwick-4370, longreach-4730, bundaberg-4670, maroochydore-4558, gladstone-4680, mackay-4740, cairns-4870, mount-isa-4825, townsville-4810, rockhampton-4700, toowoomba-4350, brisbane-4000
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