Thursday, February 28, 2013

Last Post, March 1 - The Australian (blog)

BILL Shorten has at last shown his true colours. As they say in the classics, "you can take the man out of the union but you can't take the union out of the man".

Bill Laforest, Katoomba, NSW

I see Bill Shorten wants Labor to learn from union militancy to get the moribund party over the line. That might just work if the federal election was to be based on a show of hands personally counted by his union mates.

Graham Dick, St Ives, NSW

Would Julia Gillard please give us ample warning of any grand procession to Toowoomba? Qantas flights may become scarce in a mass exodus.

Stan Klan, Toowoomba, Qld

What a great job Julia Gillard has done. She has transformed working families into modern families.

Andrew Buchanan, Holloways Beach, Qld

While Stephen Conroy tries to control the news because he doesn't like scrutiny ("Conroy's pitch to control the news", 28/2), his broadband network makes his efforts futile. His project will make it easier and quicker for millions of Australians to send news wherever they like, when they like. Trying to regulate will be like trying to control quicksilver with a fork.

Digital Pass $1 for first 28 Days

Garry Bailey, East Launceston, Tas

I hear Tony Abbott is going to get rid of the mining tax, carbon tax, red tape and he's going to stop the boats. I also want to know what Abbott is going to initiate and how much it will cost.

Bruce Rogers, Seaford, Vic

In his praise of the Pope, Peter Craven has exposed the fundamental problem with the Catholic Church ("The papal game changer", 28/2). His last sentence ends, "the man who changed the pope from an emperor into a president". The founder of Christianity sought neither.

Iain Ross, Templestowe, Vic

The Petrine ministry has clearly failed under Benedict XVI. We don't need a new pope. We need a church that can deal with its internal problems and offer hope and guidance to its followers.

Kel Joaquin-Byrne, Randwick, NSW

Australia and the Vatican are in a similar situation. While they are scratching around looking for a pope, we are scratching around searching for a prime minister.

Paul Drakeford, Kew, Vic

If Pope Benedict XVI's successor names himself Benedict XVII, then the retired pope could be referred to as B1 and the new one as B2 It would save using the more laboured title of emeritus pope.

Ed Sianski, West Moonah, Tas

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