Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Local paediatrician: If you want the poor to suffer take fluoride out of the ... - ABC Online (blog)

Local paediatrician: If you want the poor to suffer take fluoride out of the water.

14 February 2013 , 4:36 PM by Belinda Sanders

It's time to raise that divisive subject again - fluoride.

Is it really that divisive.. or does it stir passions in a minority group.. the majority preferring to stay silent?

The big question of course is should fluoride be added to the town water supplies.

This week the Toowoomba Regional Council held the first vote on whether or not flouride should continue to be added to the Mt Kynock water treatment plant.. and if it should be added to the supplies of other towns outside of Toowoomba.

The committee meeting ended in a 6/5 vote in support of fluoride supplements being added to the Mt Kynock treatment plant.

The committee also unanimously decided not to add fluoride to the supplies of outlying country towns.

That decision won't be final until the full council meet is held next week. South Burnett Regional Council has voted to take fluoride out of the town supplies... other councils in the area are yet to vote on the subject but it is worth noting that Dalby water has been fluoridated since 1969.

Toowoomba paediatrician Dr John Cox has strong opinons about fluoride and it's impacts on health.


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