Sunday, February 17, 2013

Papal resignation no surprise for Bishop of Toowoomba - ABC Online

Even though it was almost 600 years since the last papal resignation, Bishop Robert McGuckin says "I always expected this to come from Pope Benedict because he's spoken about this before; the idea that if he felt as though he was no longer fit...both mentally and physically, that he would be almost morally obliged to retire."

Bishop McGuckin says a new pope could instigate changes that could filter down to the local parish level.

"There would be perhaps subtle changes. If we look at Pope John the 23rd, he decided to call a general council of the whole church. All the bishops of the world came together and had a look at a lot of factors. There were a number of changes that took place at that point of time. Something like that could happen, who knows!"

"It's unlikely to be a rapid change. But popes write what they call cyclical letters. Benedict has been very good at that. Teaching, and a new emphasis on where we should be directing our energies. He's proclaimed this year as the year of faith."

While not giving in to speculation on which Cardinal he thinks might make a good new pope, Bishop McGuckin did admit "it's been known that people have run sweeps...I think in the last sweep I might have won a Hungarian Cardinal," he laughs loudly. "Catholics are pretty good at having a little bet on the side, aren't they?"

But all joking aside, the Bishop's message to his congregation this weekend was "to pray for Pope Benedict. But also pray for the Cardinals, who will indeed be under the influence of the Holy Spirit, and then will choose wisely a new Holy Father to lead the church into the 21st century."

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