Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Rotarians help rebuild Helidon - Bayside Bulletin

Feb. 21, 2013, 3:30 p.m.

RESIDENTS of the tiny Lockyer Valley town of Helidon, about 106km west of Brisbane, are gradually rebuilding their lives after the devastating 2011 floods, thanks to the combined Rotary clubs in the Redlands.

More than $93,000 was raised when Redland Rotarians joined forces and held a giant garage sale at the now-defunct Botanix site in Wellington Point in February 2011.

Two years later, that money, with an added $26,000 from the Toowoomba East Rotary Club, is being put to good use rebuilding the Helidon Progress Park.

In January, a team of Rotary volunteers from Redland combined clubs and Toowoomba East club started cleaning up the park with the help of Lockyer Valley Regional Council deputy mayor Tanya Mulligan.

Rotary Club of Cleveland past president Ron Loney said many Redland Rotarians and volunteers also attended the opening of the reconstructed Murphys Creek Community Hall this month.

"The hall holds special significance for Redland Rotary clubs, which decided in 2011 to hold the giant garage sale to raise funds to rebuild it after the hall was wiped out in the 2011 flood," Mr Loney said.

"The combined Rotary Clubs of Tasmania, together with the Tasmanian Government, joined and soon raised enough money to build the hall on their own.

"So the Redland Rotary clubs then chose to use the funds to rebuild the Helidon Progress Park."

The park was used as the helicopter marshalling area during the January 2011 flood clean-up and was in disrepair until the Redland Rotarians moved in to spruce it up.

The Rotary Club of Cleveland also provided the Murphys Creek Progress Association with refrigeration to replace what was lost during the flood along with $21,000 for shade sails for the new playground equipment at Murphys Creek State School.

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