Illustration: John Shakespeare
It is now clear why the Australian cricket team is performing so poorly (''Up in the air: Watson flies home after Test axing'', March 12). Players being treated like school children for not handing in their assignments and being dropped from the national team as punishment is the single greatest stupidity I've ever heard anywhere, any time, in sport.
Mickey Arthur's egregious verbal slithering in justifying such treatment is contemptible. What do you bring to the team, Mickey Arthur? Respond in no less than 500 words handed in before Friday, please. Dot points acceptable.
Barry Newton Mt Colah
Head coach Mickey Arthur has made a courageous but correct decision to stand down players who did not follow instructions.
The public is forever demanding our sporting greats should be models for the younger generation while recalcitrant behaviour is increasingly being tolerated in all walks of life.
Conform to the rules or suffer the consequences. Mickey Arthur is to be applauded.
Stewart Smith St Ives
So Shane Watson is now considering giving up Test cricket. I thought he already had.
Kevin Harris Beecroft
Mickey Arthur has drawn a line in the sand, and he is the one who has stepped over it.
Martin Low Green Valley
Stood down for not doing your homework? It's got me stumped.
Alison Sweeney Randwick
The drama surrounding the four suspended cricketers, on top of all the other controversies gripping Australian sport, indicates something needs to be done. It may be bitter medicine, but we might need to seek guidance from the old foe. After years of being perennial losers, English cricket, rugby, cycling and athletics are producing winning performances. How was this turnaround accomplished? Perhaps it is time for our sports administrators to consult their British counterparts?
Deborah Pelser Killara
Are they running a Test team or nursery school? Or are they providing an excuse for their next on-field debacle?
Nick Hendel Roseville
Disciplinary action against the four Australian cricketers in India for failing to comply with a request by the coach has attracted a fair amount of derision but I say good on Arthur and captain Michael Clarke for taking such a principled stand.
Congratulations to the other players who did their homework and who obviously value the opportunity of playing for Australia.
Eric Palm Canada Bay
Are the reports that four top players have been removed because they didn't give an egocentric reason that they should be in the team, by email, really true? Can we have Australians in charge of Australian teams please?
Terry Beath Wollongong
Assuming the reports are accurate, surely the time has come to sack the people charged with selecting our national cricket team and supervising its daily operations. This latest childish display of ''I'm the boss and you will obey'' is unsuited to any team, let alone our senior cricketers. By all means select the ''best'' side, but let it be for the right reasons and not tarnished by insistence on outmoded schoolchild obedience.
Don Matthews Fennell Bay
The cricketers' assignment reminds me of the necessity to include your company's ''mission statement'' when tendering for a contract. This is, at best, an exercise in creative writing, and at worst, a complete waste of time. Does anyone read this stuff? Let's face it, the bottom line usually wins the deal.
Wendy Crew Lane Cove
I retired from teaching several years ago, nevertheless, I still have occasional dreams about the classroom. I had one last night.
There were those five usual suspects K.Miller, I.Chappell, D.Lillee, S.Warne and A.Border again without their homework done. I told them to report to the headmaster, Mr Inverarity. They just laughed.
Tony Everett Wareemba
I hope one of the Australian cricketers copied Shane Warne's homework and handed it into the coach.
Geoff Doherty Balmain
Perhaps if cricketers had done their homework in the first place, they would not have to play sport for a living.
Gary Frances Bexley
Hasn't Mickey Arthur heard of the naughty corner?
Max Arnold Avalon Beach
Gender crisis: how will men cope with loss of status?
A bare three days after International Women's Day, when I read about the persistent gender gap in favour of men, I read there was a crisis of masculinity (''21st Century Man: lost and anachronistic'', March 11). Could it simply be that now being born with a Y chromosome no longer accords the automatic right to more opportunities, and that these have to be earned from abilities related to the other 45 chromosomes? And as women progress in their march from the bottom of the heap, despite the fact those on top of it are still men, some other men are (by definition) taking their place?
Isn't this ''crisis'' about status? The real question is: ''How will some men deal with the loss of status that comes with true meritocracy?'' By all accounts: badly. Status is, unfortunately, a zero-sum game. But there is hope. I read somewhere that 90 per cent of people think they are ''above average'' drivers. What about a public policy to convince men they're ''above average status''?
One advantage we will probably never relinquish to women is our capacity for self-deception, which could end up being a real blessing for society.
Alexander Nash Fairlight
Time to test pollies' aptitude quotient
Would it be possible for taxpayers to have a check conducted on our pollies for passion, performance and aptitude (''The new Rs need for teaching; reading, writing and a bucketload of rapport'', March 12)?
Jack Timms Suffolk Park
Finally, the NSW government is going to improve the standard of teaching for children in our state ("Piccoli firm over teaching benchmark", March 12). Excellent idea.
However, we have always had students available with the requisite three subjects in band 5, including English. I am sure the teaching faculties would have snapped them up, but they didn't because they disappeared into science, engineering, medicine, law and business.
This will continue until the government addresses teacher remuneration. In these times of shrinking government budgets this latest initiative is no more than posturing by the minister.
Peter Bennett Nelson Bay
Students at school mature at different rates, have varying educational opportunities and are not necessarily focused on what they will do when they leave school.
However, by the time they graduate from university they all have similar educational opportunities and are more focused on their future employment opportunities.
Surely, at their graduation from university an assessment should be made that an English teacher can write an essay, a maths teacher understands mathematics etc? How they went at school is irrelevant.
Peter St Vincent Welch Normanhurst
Seclusion prevents harm
No doubt Catherine McQueen (Letters, March 12) means well, but to stop using involuntary treatment and hospitalisation would mean, in effect, allowing a small number of people with serious mental illnesses to commit suicide, or to seriously harm themselves or others.
Involuntary hospitalisation, and commencement of involuntary treatment (medication) in hospital (which is continued in the community on community treatment orders, if necessary) are major tools in preventing serious harm. Even seclusion has a place, preventing harm to the patient and other patients and staff.
Many people experiencing seclusion would have no accurate memory of it, because they were so unwell at the time. If they can accurately remember it, then it probably wasn't needed.
Peter Marshall Captains Flat
No opt-out clause when communism rules
Peter Hartcher's article comparing the Catholic Church to Chinese communism drew similarities which are essentially to be found in any organised, long-running, hierarchical group from the Australian Defence Force to local golf clubs (''Church and China face critical tests'', March 12).
Apart from the obvious flaws in his comparison (does the Catholic Church abduct and imprison people who speak against it?), the key difference is that people in China have little choice, whereas people joining other outfits have freedom of choice, a basic human right.
This distinction - not mentioned by Hartcher - makes all the difference in the world.
Sophie York Turramurra
Goodness me, I see the cardinals voting for the next Pope will have to swear not to reveal details of their deliberations on pain of excommunication, but I have been told that, even so, they will be searched regularly to make sure they are not smuggling mobile phones into the Sistine Chapel in order to leak the result (''Timetable for the election of a new Pope'', March 12).
It is hard to believe. After all, these are the most senior men in the whole Catholic Church. Can't they be trusted to do the right thing? Even on pain of excommunication? Maybe they would benefit from some ethics classes.
Maggie Ramsay Woolloomooloo
Abbott v Turnbull the real leadership debate
Let's put an end to Labor's leadership debate right now with some hard facts. Labor will lose the federal election in September and whoever is prime minister at the time will be dumped a few days later in the inevitable reshuffle (''Tell Gillard to go, urge Rudd backers'', March 12). So why would any senior Labor minister capable of taking over want to go down in history with ''Mar 2013- Sep 2013'' on his nameplate in the National Portrait Gallery? Julia Gillard, like any half-decent captain, will go down with her ship. The leadership debate we should really be having is far more interesting - Abbott or Turnbull?
Greg Cantori Kareela
If the senior ministers loyal to Julia Gillard don't get her to stand down they will deserve to go down in history as responsible for federal Labor's greatest ever defeat, which has the potential to destroy the party for a generation.
Kevin Farrelly Carindale (Qld)
Unit glut spurs questions
With a Chinese consortium's plans to build 400 apartments in Sydney's tallest tower at the southern end of Pitt Street, plus the possible conversion of the Ernst & Young building to apartments - not to mention the residential developments at the Carlton Brewery site, Quay Street, Haymarket, and Harold Park - the area around the southern CBD will soon be awash with new apartments (''240m tower on drawing board'', March 12).
Why, then, is the Premier and his partner-in-demolition Lend Lease persisting in using public land at the southern end of Darling Harbour for another 1400 apartments in lacklustre buildings?
Existing height limits in the Chinatown/Ultimo/Pyrmont precincts are being ignored. The need for more convention, exhibition, hotel and public recreation space could be better achieved by renovating and remodelling the existing, architecturally designed buildings.
Francine de Valence Haymarket
Obeid mastered the art of influence early on
Eddie Obeid's power within government predated both the rise of Carr and Iemma (''Diary Carr kept refers to Obeid's 'untidy' interests'', March 12). In July 1980, Neville Wran appointed a new, reformed board for the Art Gallery of NSW. The trustees minutes record their number included one Edward Obeid, a man unknown to the arts community.
Those running the back room of NSW politics in the 1970s and 1980s are the ones who have the most questions to answer about Obeid's irresistible rise.
Joanna Mendelssohn Enmore
Bob Carr failed the Johnson test (Letters, March 12). Unlike LBJ, who made sure J. Edgar Hoover was always facing out when peeing, Carr's mistake was having face-to-face conversations inside the tent with Eddie Obeid.
John Dorman Toowoomba (Qld)
Target family trusts
Many people would be happy to vote for any political party that tackles the use of family trusts to avoid paying a fair share of tax (''Welfare group identifies $6b in possible cuts'', March 12).
It is obvious that Eddie Obeid is only one of many rich Australians who uses a good accountant to make sure the rich get richer. The poor get hammered because they are easy targets and PAYE taxpayers continue to bear the brunt of paying for most government expenditure.
Wendy Atkins Cooks Hill
It all depends on what Zygier knew
Wrong, David Adler (Letters, March 12). If Ben Zygier knew Israel had misused Australian passports for Mossad operations, or was involved in the process (a breach of our national security), it is very much Australia's business.
John Apostolakis Lockleys (SA)
Blood may be thin but ball's still in my court
Warfarin as a performance enhancer (Letter, March 12)? I've been taking it for years and my tennis is still woeful.
June Dibbs Mona Vale
Am I missing something here? It would appear that, following an inquiry into performance-enhancing drugs, rugby league players may be in trouble for being given drugs usually given to horses. Should there now be an inquiry into which horses have been given performance-enhancing drugs?
Chris Bell Forster

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