Monday, August 5, 2013

Clydesdales' Q-Cup bid to benefit from ISC game in Toowoomba - Toowoomba Chronicle

TOOWOOMBA Clydesdales chairman Paul Reedy thinks hosting the Intrust Super Cup will boost the city's push for readmission to the state-wide competition.

Ipswich finished strongly to beat Wynnum-Manly in Sunday's ISC game played at Clive Berghofer Stadium, which was part of the competition's Country Week.

The venture took ISC games to regional centres where the competition was not normally played, but Reedy was hopeful that would change in just over two years.

He thinks the Clydesdales will be ready to bid for inclusion in ISC for 2016 and that Sunday's game has built momentum for the bid team.

"I think it will just help continue the push," Reedy said.

"There were a number of Toowoomba players playing in the Ipswich team, and if Jeriah Goodrich wasn't injured he would have played for Wynnum.

"We've got the talent; we got to give the players a chance to play at that level from Toowoomba."

The game was broadcast live on television throughout Queensland and Reedy was adamant a video of the game would provide the Clydesdales bid team with an added bargaining tool when trying to attract long-term financial backers.

Estimates have budgeted running costs of almost $1million to run an ISC club each season, so financial backing will be the key to the Clydesdales bid for readmission.

"Being able to demonstrate (Sunday) how good the TV coverage was by Channel Nine is something we can take to potential sponsors," Reedy said.

"It doesn't just limit us to Toowoomba companies, but there are lots of Toowoomba companies operating state-wide."

Reedy also state the backing of a sports club or leagues club would be important.

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