Monday, November 10, 2014

Chamber boss warns no quick relief for parking pains - Toowoomba Chronicle

THERE is no easy fix for the transport situation in the CBD, according to Chamber of Commerce and Industry president Andrew Wielandt.

The Toowoomba Regional Council's introduction of a one-hour parking limit has been a hot topic in recent weeks, with many shoppers and business owners unhappy about the new regulation.

In an online poll conducted by The Chronicle, 87% of readers said one hour was not enough time for parking in the CBD.

Mr Wielandt said during the next few weeks the chamber would be monitoring the new regulation's impact on trade in the inner city.

Without concrete feedback, he said, it was difficult to measure the impact.

"My initial thoughts are the council is stuck between a rock and a hard place. I'd like to see the figures before we say if it's a good or bad thing," he said.

"The current council is doing a good job of planning for the future but previous councils weren't as forward looking."

Mr Wielandt said the major long-term issue within the city of Toowoomba was public transport, especially with the city's predicted growth - 40,000 people in the next 20 years.

"We do have a very strong car culture within Toowoomba city. It would be highly unrealistic to say people in Oakey or Millmerran needed to rely on public transport but in the city there is a need to (a) look at bus routes; (b) try and get some better education around the benefits of public transport; and (c) start the journey.

"This is not something that will happen overnight."

Mr Wielandt said the opening of the Julia St car park in the next few weeks would likely take the pressure off the current situation.

"Certainly council is looking at other solutions in the CBD."


  • Vonnie Meier: When will council learn to provide more public transport and then take away parking and convenience?

  • Andrew McIntyre: Council stop delaying. Build more workers 8 hour parks now and then there will be plenty of long term parks for everyone. Stop saying the figures don't add up. Parking is not a business but a service you are to provide to help our city business grow. You collect a future from parking and that should go back into providing parking instead of more "beautification" projects. Get the bones right then you can worry about the decoration.

  • Jo Macqueen: Since the reason the council changed it is because business owners and their staff were taking up the spots, I think it's a good move - if you know your appointment will most likely take longer the and hour, take responsibility and park where you can be longer or take a taxi

  • Michelle Osbar: An hour is ridiculous. I get their reasons but by the time you park, walk where you need to go and get back you will get fined every time.

  • Louise Schroeder: Trying to get a park at the town library is an absolute joke, hope the new library when built has sufficient parking.

  • Paul Wilson: I understand everyone's point here, but there seems to be a lot of complaining and not a lot of suggesting an alternative resolution to the problem?

  • Barbara McGovern: With the pre-Christmas trade and certainly a time for CBD traders to benefit from the seasonal shop fest it would appear the decision by TRC has not followed after consultation with CBD traders groups. Parking is already an existing major problem to CBD - where do we see a long term solution in the short term?

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