Monday, November 10, 2014

Lawyer makes another dent in profession's glass ceiling - Toowoomba Chronicle

Director of Condon Charles Lawyers and founder of the Toowoomba Family Law Centre Brooke Pugh.Director of Condon Charles Lawyers and founder of the Toowoomba Family Law Centre Brooke Pugh. Rachael Murray

TOOWOOMBA lawyer Brooke Pugh continues to break through the glass ceiling which she says is still a reality in her profession.

The director of Condon Charles Lawyers and founder of the Toowoomba Family Law Centre, Mrs Pugh was a finalist at the Queensland Lawyers Woman's Association, Regional Woman Lawyer of the Year for 2014.

She was the only finalist from the Toowoomba region.

The high-achieving lawyer said resilience was one of the keys to her success.

Borrowing a Michelle Bridges quote she said to be a successful female lawyer "you've got to have an inner mongrel".

She was thrilled by the nomination and said it was proof a female regional lawyer with a family could have a rewarding career.

"I was privileged and proud. It shows you can be a woman, a small business owner, a law practitioner and have a family too. I read one article which said taking maternity leave was a career 'kiss of death' for a female in a law firm."

Her most recent endeavour is the establishment of the Toowoomba Family Law Centre, which provides affordable private mediation services to members of the public.

As an advocate for equal opportunities in the workplace, Mrs Pugh encourages flexible working arrangements in her own firm, which she directs in partnership with her husband.

She was nominated by her assistant, Isabelle Chassain, who thought there needed to be more recognition of women in the law profession, particularly in regional areas. "Brooke is an inspiration for young professional women in the region," she said.

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