Friday, December 26, 2014

Toowoomba churches packed for Christmas services - Toowoomba Chronicle

TOOWOOMBA'S Christian churches reported large gatherings at all Christmas services.

St Luke's Anglican Church in the city's CBD had the "full house" sign up for the 11pm Christmas Eve service while large numbers gathered for the two Christmas Day services in the morning.

St Patrick's Catholic Cathedral had in total five separate Christmas masses.

The 6pm Christmas Eve family Mass saw the Cathedral packed with the 8pm and midnight Mass also well attended


St Patrick's then had two services on Christmas Day, 7am and 9am, both of which almost filled the church.

Catholic Bishop of the Toowoomba Diocese Bishop Robert McGuckin in his Christmas message urged the faithful not to forget the struggles of others at this time of year.

"Globally it has been a very mixed year," he said.

"From where we are we may say how fortunate we are when we consider many problems around the world, for example, Africa and the Ebola crisis, the Ukraine, Syria and the Middle East with wars and conflicts.

"Even locally we shouldn't become so self-absorbed that we overlook the plight of many in our area who continue to struggle because of drought and other difficulties.

"May we be outward thinking and put the needs of others first."

Bishop McGuckin urged the faithful to support charities in particular the Africa Emergency Appeal in support of Ebola victims and at many services collections were taken up for that cause.

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