Wednesday, July 15, 2015

Last Top Stories: Toowoomba railway history marked by 'aberrations'

Toowoomba railway history marked by 'aberrations'

Toowoomba railway history marked by 'aberrations'
The Toowoomba line was scheduled to open officially on 30 April 1867 but the first train, with Eton Vale squatter and Minister for Railways Railway history marked by 'aberrations' John Watts on board, arrived unofficially on 12 April much to the ...
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'Coldest day of the year' no deterrent for Toowoomba exercisers

'Coldest day of the year' no deterrent for Toowoomba exercisers
"I was going to go to the gym, but I didn't like the session they had on, so I went for a run instead," said Mel, who was all smiles as she ran through the Toowoomba streets before seven o'clock. "I've got two pairs of gloves with me because I strip ...
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Bypass build delivers $500000 a day to Toowoomba

Bypass build delivers $500000 a day to Toowoomba
THE Second Range Crossing will bring big bucks to Toowoomba just in time to bolster the economy cooling after the energy downturn. More than $500,000 is expected to be spent each day in the city at the peak of production if winning consortia Nexus ...
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Council reboots plans for Toowoomba's digital future

Council reboots plans for Toowoomba's digital future
ONE day the city of Toowoomba could have a mind of its own - an artificial one that is. Toowoomba Regional Council is hoping to put the city in the same field as the super-tech cities of South Korea. It voted yesterday to spend $20,000 on a digital ...
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Couple wanted over Toowoomba credit card fraud

Couple wanted over Toowoomba credit card fraud
TOOWOOMBA detectives investigating credit card fraud have released images of a man and woman who may be able to assist them with their enquiries. Police are investigating the use of credit cards at a number of North Toowoomba businesses on Ruthven ...
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Toowoomba MPs slam 'recycled' State Budget

Toowoomba MPs slam 'recycled' State Budget
THE State Government has firmed up its $321 million funding share of the Toowoomba Second Range Crossing and a number of other initiatives across the region in its first budget. Roads are the big winners with $107.8 million for Warrego Hwy works and ...
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11 events in 7 days: Getting out in Toowoomba

11 events in 7 days: Getting out in Toowoomba
TO HELP plan the next seven days, here are 10 events happening across the Toowoomba region. WEDNESDAY. Pianist Piers Lane. Piano at Twilight. INTERNATIONALLY renowned Australian-born pianist Piers Lane will perform a night of elegant and ...
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Toowoomba takes title in thrilling final drop-off

Toowoomba takes title in thrilling final drop-off
TOOWOOMBA White 12 years boys dug deep to take out their division at the Junior State Cup at Hervey Bay. The Toowoomba boys battled back to level scores at 3-3 in their final against Gold Coast A to force the decider into drop-offs. Deep into drop-offs ...
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VIDEO: Dashcam exposes Toowoomba's worst drivers

VIDEO: Dashcam exposes Toowoomba's worst drivers
A DASHCAM owner who took to Toowoomba's streets to expose the worst of the city's drivers has released a second instalment of his YouTube series Toowoomba Bad Drivers Exposed. It documents near hits and drivers using mobile phones, and reminds ...
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Fr Areekuzhy a Toowoomba local 20 years in the making

Fr Areekuzhy a Toowoomba local 20 years in the making
Fr Thomas came to Toowoomba at the invitation of then Bishop Edward Kelly. "I was a priest in India and some of my order, the Missionary Congregation of the Blessed Sacrament (MCBS), were here before me," he said. In his 20 years since, Fr Thomas has ...
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