Sunday, April 24, 2016

WA mental health court program to get $13m and other top stories.

  • WA mental health court program to get $13m

    WA mental health court program to get $13m
    WA mental health court program to get $13m
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  • The Anti-Ageing Gin that Claims to Make You Look Younger

    The Anti-Ageing Gin that Claims to Make You Look Younger
    Socialising is an important part of life, but there’s no denying that the nightlife can sometimes take a massive toll on your body. However, if bold claims from Warner Leisure Hotels are to be believed, they have just created alcohol that makes you look younger. Yes, you read it correctly. POPPY DELEVINGNE'S DIET AND FITNESS ROUTINE Aptly named ‘Anti-Agin,’ the gin works by adding pure collagen into its mixture aswell as anti-aging botanicals. Going further, the company claims that their magica..
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  • AFL sets up drug abuse panel: report

    AFL sets up drug abuse panel: report
    AFL sets up drug abuse panel: report The report said cocaine remained the drug of choice in the AFL ahead of ecstasy. The AFL has reportedly established a special unit to manage any players fighting drug abuse.News Corp reports players are referred to the panel by club doctors or after testing if they are found to have taken drugs.The AFL panel is headed by the league's chief medical officer Dr Peter Harcourt and assesses if a player's illicit substance use ..
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  • Study claims losing your spouse is good for you

    Study claims losing your spouse is good for you
    A NEW study suggests losing your spouse can be good for your health - but only if you are a woman. Widows were found to suffer less stress after their husbands die, but the opposite was true for men who are thought to become over-reliant on their partners.  The findings from the University of Padova appear to be contrary to the idea that being married has health benefits.  Despite previous research showing people who are married live longer than singletons, the study of almost 2,000 ..
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  • Tasmanian medical cannabis campaigner calls for 'different levels of access' to drug

    Tasmanian medical cannabis campaigner calls for 'different levels of access' to drug
    Tasmanian medical cannabis campaigner calls for 'different levels of access' to drug By Bianca Gurra Updated April 24, 2016 08:14:17 A medical cannabis campaigner is calling on the Tasmanian Government to adopt a multi-tiered approach to the growth of the product. Key points:Nicole Cowels' daughter is being treated with medical cannabisShe has been lobbying for her right to legally use it for over two yearsMedical practitioners in Tasmania can prescribe drug to p..
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  • Vaccinations: New Victorian campaign to remind parents of importance of immunisation

    Vaccinations: New Victorian campaign to remind parents of importance of immunisation
    Vaccinations: New Victorian campaign to remind parents of importance of immunisation Updated April 24, 2016 10:21:20 Victoria has launched a new video campaign to remind parents of the importance of vaccinating their children. Key points:Immunisation rates across some parts of Victoria remain lowGovernment has introduced 'no jab, no play' policy for childcares, kindergartens95 per cent immunity required to halt spread of diseases like measles The series of videos, Imm..
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  • Blood test for breast cancer 'could be done at home'

    Blood test for breast cancer 'could be done at home'
    Breast cancer patients may soon be offered a highly accurate blood test that can tell doctors whether the disease has spread – before secondary tumours are detectable on normal scans.The development comes after scientists at the University of Westminster discovered that higher levels of a certain protein in blood accurately predicted those women who would develop secondary cancer a year later. They are now looking for funding to offer 5,000 patients the test.The new findings are vital for earlie..
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  • Health Awareness In Men Linked To Lower Dementia Rates

    Health Awareness In Men Linked To Lower Dementia Rates
    Positive developments in health – including reduced smoking, better diets and increased exercise – are pinpointed for a dramatic fall in dementia rates among elderly males in the United Kingdom. A new Cambridge University study on dementia trends of the past two decades found a 20 percent fall, which translated to about 40,000 fewer cases of the condition than previously estimated. The surprising dip, however, was seen mainly in men and not in women, which had a much smaller reduction in dem..
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  • Chiro faces backlash for cracking baby's back

    Chiro faces backlash for cracking baby's back
    Chiro faces backlash for cracking baby's back
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  • What does radiation from a nuclear disaster actually do to our bodies?

    What does radiation from a nuclear disaster actually do to our bodies?
    What does radiation from a nuclear disaster actually do to our bodies? Updated April 24, 2016 06:53:15 Atomic weapons and nuclear accidents like those at Chernobyl and Fukushima have made sure we all know that nuclear radiation can kill.But how exactly does the radiation affect our bodies? And why does radiation sometimes cause cancer, and other times cure it?Nuclear radiation is the energy given off by all radioactive elements when they break down into more stable atom..
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Renouf receiving palliative care: reports .Truckstop opening a new milestone for enterprise hub .
Three-day working week provides best cognitive function for over 40s, Melbourne study finds .Cowboys lead across the board in Toowoomba Rugby League .

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