Wednesday, February 6, 2013

A Rudd comeback will do little - The Australian (blog)

TO say Julia Gillard is a walking disaster area is an understatement and your editorial brought it home in no uncertain terms ("Julia Gillard needn't look far for causes of ALP woes", 5/2). To say the Prime Minister's poor judgment is fuelling Labor's problems is to state the obvious.

She has single-handedly misjudged the political landscape to such an extent that we, the silent majority, have switched off and feel little obligation to listen anymore.

After 35 years in business, I can no longer suffer these serial mistakes. Even the reincarnation of Kevin Rudd will do little to stem the flow away from this government.

There's only one business in this country, apart from mining, that would be making a profit and that's the business of manufacturing baseball bats.

Rick Highman, Toowoomba, Qld

COMEBACKS are nothing new in Australian politics. After serving as prime minister from 1939-40, Robert Menzies spent eight years in opposition before coming back to win the 1949 election and becoming Australia's longest serving PM.

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And John Howard was defeated at the 1987 election but came back in 1996 to defeat the Keating government and serve as the second longest-lasting PM. So it would be no great surprise if Kevin Rudd were to return as Labor leader and resume his prime ministership.

People learn through experience. Rudd has had time to reflect on what he did right and what he did wrong the first time around, so he is now better prepared for high office.

Given Julia Gillard's mountain of political baggage, the Labor Party's only viable option is to reinstate Rudd.

Brooke Marriott, Hawthorn, Vic

DENNIS Shanahan is right about Kevin Rudd being a big problem for the Prime Minister ("Pressure on PM to revive Rudd as party asset", 6/2). Perhaps the LBJ solution is the answer. US president Lyndon Baines Johnson once said of a his troublesome FBI director J. Edgar Hoover: "It's probably better to have him inside the tent pissing out, than outside the tent pissing in."

Even Wayne Swan and Stephen Conroy might buy that.

John Bradford, Mermaid Beach, Qld

I SEE they have identified the remains of Richard III (the Usurper) who on August 22, 1485, was killed by a Welshman wielding a poleaxe, a Welsh battleaxe, or a halberd, a weapon consisting of a long shaft with an axe and a pick, topped by a spearhead ("Hurt and humbled, brave Richard reigns again", 6/2).

They didn't muck around in England in those days. Not like in Australia, where on June 24, 2010, Kevin Rudd was metaphorically stabbed in the back and given the shaft by a Welsh-born woman who has recently been wielding the "captain's pick".

The very survival of King Kevin has fuelled continual speculation of his ambition to regain the throne but he will need to be wary of the captain's pick axe ("Chorus grows on using Rudd in ALP campaign", 6/2).

Peter Wall, Ascot, Qld

SO, we are now expected to believe that good old Kevin Rudd, like the proverbial white knight in shining armour, will ride to the rescue of the Labor Party to ensure that Tony Abbott doesn't get the job of prime minister so that his dear friends and supporters Julia Gillard, Wayne Swan, Simon Crean, Stephen Conroy and all the others who love him so much will remain in their exalted positions and continue to lead the people of Australia into a glorious future. Pure fantasy!

Peter Sanderson, Malvern, SA

A JOB for Kevin Rudd: minister for the moral high ground. He is already qualified having gained wide popularity using that premise.

Neville Wright, Kilcunda, Vic

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