Monday, February 18, 2013

Last Post, February 19 - The Australian (blog)

WHY did Nick Xenophon need to go overseas to uncover abuses of the democratic process? The factional bosses of the NSW Labor Party have been undermining our democracy for years.

Brian Sanaghan, West Preston, Vic

In an election year, Nick Xenophon's intrusion into Malaysia's political system and his deportation, are nothing more than a publicity stunt to lift his profile in the electorate. Come to think of it, it's working.

Mac Bignell, Morpeth, NSW

I see that Wayne Swan is now calling for a debt-led recovery at the G20 because fiscal austerity has failed. How would he know?

Peter Dowling, Brisbane, Qld

What hypocrisy by Wayne Swan for lecturing the world on the virtue of running deficits for the good of national economies. What happened to his belief in the virtue of a budget surplus for Australia?

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Geoffrey Crome, Bellevue Heights, SA

Now that it has become clear even to Wayne Swan that the surplus is dead, he has the temerity to tell the G20 that fiscal austerity has failed and calls for more debt-financed public spending. This is chutzpah raised to an art form.

Peter O'Brien, Catalina, NSW

Judith Sloan for our next federal treasurer! That would be a captain's pick worthy of respect.

Andrew Klynsmith, Happy Valley, SA

Kevin Rudd says his leadership ambitions are in "cryogenic storage". This means they have indefinite longevity, possibly to be revived some time in the future.

Rosanne Schneider, Yeronga, Qld

The media can't resist the opportunity of asking Kevin Rudd if he still wants to be prime minister, and Rudd can't resist an opportunity of fronting the media to deny he still wants the job.

John Dorman, Toowoomba, Qld

A Kevin Rudd return to the prime ministership would see the good government that lost its way replace the good government that really lost its way.

Ashley Miller, Malvern, Vic

If Geert Wilders was a critic of Christianity he would be hailed as an enlightened intellectual and given a spot on the Q&A panel. But because he is a critic of Islam he is branded a racist hate-monger and ostracised.

Fabio Scalia, Windsor, Vic

If Foreign Minister Bob Carr is serious about getting to the bottom of the Prisoner X case, he should arrange for an exhumation and autopsy of Ben Zygier, who is buried in Australia.

David Hartshorn, Toowoomba, Qld

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