Tuesday, February 5, 2013

We'll be poorer if we don't donate: Morse - Western Advocate

Feb. 6, 2013, 4 a.m.

BATHURST has a long-standing precedent for helping out communities affected by natural disaster, mayor Monica Morse said yesterday.

Cr Morse has a mayoral minute before tonight’s meeting of Bathurst Regional Council urging council to make a $5000 donation to the Warrumbungle Shire Bushfire Appeal.

She has come under fire from fellow councillors Warren Aubin and Michael Coote who believe council doesn’t have the money. They also feel council should look to its own backyard first before helping other regions.

But Cr Morse said council did not hesitate to offer assistance to our sister city of Okhuma in Japan following the tsunami, or the residents of Toowoomba who lost everything in the floods that devastated the region, or the Molong flood appeal.

“I believe we have a community responsibility to help out others when disaster strikes,” Cr Morse said.

“We can’t help out everybody, but these fires were terrible and there has been a lot of talk in the community from people wanting to help out.

“When something bad happens people look to council to do something on behalf of the community.

“Crs Bobby Bourke and Ian North have worked so hard on this appeal.”

She said there has been such a strong desire among the people of Bathurst to help the residents of Coonabara-bran that some have gone into stores and bought brand new fridges to donate to the appeal.

Cr Morse said she was well aware there was not money left to access in the 356 Donations fund but had received advice from the director of corporate services and finance that the money could be taken from equity.

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