Green groups are furious the Queensland government is supporting a revised expansion of a controversial coal mine in the state's southwest.

The government this week released its terms of reference for an environmental impact statement (EIS) for New Acland mine's expansion, 50km west of Toowoomba.

This was after it had previously announced the mine's third stage would not go ahead.

However, New Hope Coal released new, scaled-down plans in November last year, which included moving a rail loading facility further from the township of Jondaryan amid community concerns.

Anti-mining group Lock the Gate Alliance says the government's decision to now support the expansion is a slap in the face for residents who were told it wouldn't go ahead.

"It appears that the current government is no better than the previous government and is prepared to sacrifice the health of rural communities and more good agricultural land in the Darling Downs, all for a quick buck," spokesman Shaun Murray said in a statement.

He also warned Brisbane residents would be impacted by more particle pollution, given millions of tonnes of additional coal would move through the city.

Oakey Coal Action Alliance President Peter Faulkner said the government had "sold out" the community.

"They've reneged on their promise, and are in bed with the mining industry," he said.

But deputy premier Jeff Seeney says the scaled-down expansion could help the community and the economy.

"The revised expansion of the existing New Acland open-cut coal mine will significantly reduce its impact on agricultural land and local communities," he said.

If approved, the $700 million mine expansion is expected to create 220 construction and 570 operational jobs.

New Hope Coal has until March 2015 to submit its EIS to the coordinator-general.