Ted Baillieu, a decent man, has done what a decent man would do in his place -- he stepped down.
Prime Minister Julia Gillard should follow Baillieu's example. That would help to resurrect Labor, not wreck it.
Bill Mathew, Parkville, Vic
Full marks to former Victorian premier Ted Baillieu who knew when to fold and how to do it with dignity. Can we expect a similar performance from our non-campaigning PM soon?
Claire Jolliffe, Buderim, Qld
The behaviour of Ted Baillieu contrasts sharply with those federal politicians who cling to power like flies on a rotting corpse.
Mike Yalden, Kiama, NSW
Will Julia Gillard's unexplained wealth laws be backdated to include NSW Labor politicians?
Kel Joaquin-Byrne, Randwick, NSW
I'm amazed to see that Julia Gillard has morphed into Pauline Hanson.
Andrew Strauss, Woollahra, NSW
The scariest commentary I have read for some time is the one by Ken Phillips about Bill Shorten being ready to lead (7/3). That's bunkum. The man who agreed with Julia Gillard without knowing what it was she had said needs a longer apprenticeship. And he should cut out his canoodling with the unions.
Maggie Ward, Goombungee, Qld
If Mark Latham imagines he was too young to be prime minister at 42 (in Britain in 1783, William Pitt the Younger was 24), he still hasn't figured out the difference between age and maturity.
John Dorman, Toowoomba, Qld
As an avid reader of the letters page, can I ask how many other readers are impressed with the standard of argument made by contributors? Forget the polls, look to the letters. Politicians take note.
Richard Crispin, Jindabyne, NSW
Oh dear, Janet Albrechtsen, not one golden girl worth mentioning in the Liberal Party ("Five Liberal golden boys who should go to the top of the class", 6/3). How can the Liberal Party claim to understand and represent the people when its ministers-in-waiting don't include one representing half the electorate?
Margaret Callan, Dickson, ACT
I see a doping scandal is engulfing the Cronulla Sharks. It must be serious if bookmakers have suspended betting -- they're not dopes.
Judi Cox, Springfield, Qld
Following the abysmal performance of our Test cricket team in India, could I suggest we rotate the selectors?
Lesley Beckhouse, Queanbeyan, NSW

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