Saturday, March 16, 2013

Ray of sunshine - Brisbane Times

Nothing can put the sunshine into an overcast, drizzly Sunday morning like reading about a bully getting their comeuppance and having to back down (''How I refused to back down to Ray Hadley'', March 10).

Thank you, Sun-Herald, thank you, Jonathan Swan, and thank you, Mark Piepers. I'm smiling from ear to ear and I haven't even had coffee yet.

Alpheus Williams Red Rock

Recycled ideas

I would like to put the facts straight on the subject of recycling water for drinking (''Toilet-to-tap: recycled water gets the hard sell'', March 10).

For many years Singapore and Orange County, California, have supplemented drinking water with recycled water. These schemes are underpinned by the latest science and have strong community support.

Since the debate on this issue in Toowoomba in 2006, there have been major steps forward. The study referred to is designed to engage the public in a dialogue about the acceptability of the use of recycled water treated to drinking water standards, before decisions are made.

The water industry is also looking at stormwater reuse, dams, groundwater, recycling for industry and more desalination. All this work is blending the best science and technology with strong community engagement.

Now that the drought is over, it is the right time to investigate all options to secure future water supplies for the driest inhabited continent on Earth.

Adam Lovell executive director, Water Services Association of Australia

Having lived in Britain during the 1990s, we used to say the water from the tap had been through seven sets of kidneys before it came out.

Britain and California have used recycled water for years for drinking. Hardly Third World.

Andrew Faith Blackheath

Canberra's fine folk

I would be the first to accept a birthday smooch on behalf of Canberra from the delightful Annabel Crabb, but I think she missed something in her birthday card (''Canberra: purpose-built to be a bit bizarre'', March 10).

Canberra has one of the best cultural experiences in the country: the National Folk Festival. It has been run here every Easter since 1992 (after travelling around Australia since 1967) and brings all Australians together. Former High Court judge and co-author of the Bringing Them Home report, the late Sir Ronald Wilson, described it as ''a celebration of humanity in all its diversity''. Not bad for the city without a soul, eh?

John Taylor Aranda (ACT)

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