Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Group fires up over detention basin slashing - Toowoomba Chronicle

THE newly-formed Toowoomba Alliance has taken a swipe at council's environmental credentials.

The East Creek Park Defenders group is one of the alliance's foundation members with ranks expected to swell substantially over the coming fortnight.

Member Jenny Wilson said the banks of the creek at Garnet Lehmann Park had been stripped of vegetation despite promises the southern end would remain untouched when the park is converted to a detention basin.

"Over many months it has been wonderful to watch the creek at Garnet Lehmann Park self-rehabilitate by the germination and healthy and rapid growth of eucalypt, melaleuca and silky oak seedlings establishing themselves with no help from humans in the heel of the creek banks," she said.

BEFORE: Protesters say they were assured the creek at the southern end of Garnet Lehmann Park would be left alone.BEFORE: Protesters say they were assured the creek at the southern end of Garnet Lehmann Park would be left alone. Contributed

"However today I was distressed to find that council has cleared these banks, completely mowing down the lot, as well as slashing the small wetland which is spring-fed and a frog breeding site."

News that vast amounts of topsoil from Garnet Lehmann and Ballin Dr parks would be removed and moved to the Bridge St quarry have also raised concerns.

"That was another promise - that the topsoil would remain on site," Ms Wilson said.

"Is this lack of understanding due to the fact that council has no ecologist, no environmental scientist and not even an arborist?"

AFTER: The creek banks have been slashed back by Toowoomba Regional Council.AFTER: The creek banks have been slashed back by Toowoomba Regional Council. Chris Calcino

Cr Sue Englart said the slashing was simply routine maintenance work that had been requested by nearby residents over the years.

"Every park in the region has a regular mowing roster. The usual jobs were done, as they have been for years," she said.

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