Sunday, December 7, 2014

Toowoomba's job figures shine, but our kids are vulnerable - Toowoomba Chronicle

WE may be first in the country when it comes to employment in agriculture, but Toowoomba has been ranked among the worst for having too many developmentally-vulnerable children.

The Regional Australia Institute has ranked Toowoomba against other regions in Australia in areas including infrastructure, demography, business, labour force, natural resources and innovation in a new online research tool.

The Toowoomba local government area was ranked in the bottom 10% of areas in Australia for having a large number of developmentally-vulnerable children.

Figures, based on a survey of five-year-olds in their first year of school, showed 43% of children in Toowoomba were developmentally-vulnerable.

But on a more positive note, Toowoomba did record a top ranking in natural resources.

Out of 563 areas, Toowoomba was ranked the best, sitting at number one for having 5.9% of the population employed in the agriculture sector.

RAI deputy chief Jack Archer said Toowoomba's challenge would be to find a way to use its competitive strength to improve the economy in the next few years.

While Toowoomba had strong natural resources and innovation, the worst performing area was in economics.

Business turnover was ranked 295 out of 563, with $37,237 made per person in 2013.

Mr Archer said this was surprising.

"We could see an improvement in business turnover and looking for more investments," Mr Archer said.

"We need to make sure Toowoomba uses their competitive strengths and turns them into investment and city growth."

Mr Archer said Toowoomba had strong innovation and major institutions.

He also said there was a strong leadership capacity.

"It's a very old and established town. It's a hub for the south west. It's got a lot of things going for it in terms of location and history and a resource base."


  • Average income $43,048

  • Average person works 25.3 hours a week

  • 30.2% of workforce employed in leadership role

  • 1.5% growth in population between 2012 and 2013

  • 96% of area has mobile coverage

  • About $112 spent on roads and general spending per person in 2010-11

  • Local government makes $1211.02 in revenue per person

  • 11.4% of businesses have been set-up since 2009

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